Parents & Friends,
Great news! Sunrise’s Kids, Middle School & High School ministries are doing a Double Good Fundraiser! Not only do they make tasty gourmet popcorn, but 50% of every dollar you sell goes towards your Hume account! The more you sell the bigger amount you’ll get towards your balance due for camp!
Kickoff Date & Location: March 24th at table in the Worship Center lobby.
Return Order Forms: April 14th to the table in the Worship Center lobby (Checks should be made payable to – Sunrise Community Church. Please make sure your student’s name and amount collected are written on all order forms and envelopes. Payments must be paid in full when forms are turned in or order cannot be placed.
Popcorn Pick Up Date: Thursday, April 30th 8-5 & Friday, May 1st 8-12 in the Church office.
Questions? Please contact Maria Franklin or Cindy Robitaille at 916-726-4642.