What is re|engage?
Whether your marriage is good and you want it to be great, or you are at rock-bottom and wonder if there is hope, re|engage is a safe place to grow in your marriage.
Re|engage is a ministry that brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship.
Every week begins in a large group setting, where you will hear stories of hope from other couples whose marriages have been transformed. Re|engage leaders will also share practical steps you can take to improve your own relationship. Together, you and your small group will work through the 14-lesson curriculum and learn how to effectively communicate, resolve conflict, and grow closer to your spouse. There will be weekly homework to complete individually and then discuss with your spouse prior to each session.
When can I start?
You can register for our new season of re|engage now!
The next 14-week re|engage session will begin January 22nd with our kickoff BBQ
Hear Pastor Luke & Sara Speak on the importance of marriage enrichement
re|engage FAQ's
When do we meet? How much does it cost?
Wednesday Nights: 6:30-8pm. Cost is $60 per couple and includes two workbooks. Childcare available for a nominal fee if needed.
Why is the re|engage marriage program needed?
Financial or job stress, unmet expectations, family issues, and social pressures can unravel the bonds of mutual love and respect God created to exist between husbands and wives. New couples to re|engage often describe their marriage experience as unloving, disappointing, unhealthy, disrespectful, broken, disconnected, passionless, inconsistent, suffering, or miserable. Some remain married only for the sake of children, tax benefits, or public perception. Others coexist more like roommates than husband and wife. Some are separated, and others are married and divorced a few times. Not surprisingly, men and women (and their children) suffer mental strife, emotional trauma, financial loss, substance abuse, serious health problems, infidelity, separation, or divorce – none of which were intended by God for men and women in marriage. Re|engage was developed to restore husbands and wives to each other in meaningful and sustainable ways within the covenant of God’s love and purpose, ultimately reflecting a healthy, happy marriage to our children and all those we know in our daily lives.
What is the re|engage Marriage Study?
This marriage enhancement and restoration course seeks to:
REVIVE a marriage that has gone “cold”
RESTORE a broken marriage relationship
REPLACE damaging words and behaviors with relationally healthy ones
REPLENISH marriages with a new spirit of God’s design for couples in a way that is sustainable and benefits our children, family, friends, co-workers and community.
Each weekly study includes a video or live testimony and marriage-specific discussions. We convene as a large group initially, then disburse into established smaller groups of 3 – 5 married couples led by a trained, married facilitator couple where important, biblical topics are covered, such as: Love, Grace, Humility, Forgiveness, Understanding, Communication, Emotional Intimacy, and others.
What happens when I get there?
There are 3 main components that make up the re|engage Marriage program:
LARGE GROUP - This is a time where everyone meets together to hear either a marriage centered teaching from one of our pastoral couples on staff or a personal testimony from one of our re|engage couples. We consider this a “shoulder to shoulder” uplifting and fun experience.
OPEN GROUP - This is for couples that have attended Newcomers and are not yet in a Closed Group. It happens after our large group session concludes. Open Groups are a great place to begin working on your marriage and connecting with other couples. Each week will feature group discussion on different marriage topics. At this time, you will have the opportunity to begin sharing some of your story at your own pace. We consider this a “face to face” experience.
CLOSED GROUP - This is for couples who are ready to further commit to the process. Closed group also happens after our large group session concludes. It consists of 4-6 participating couples and a facilitator couple who will walk through the 16-lesson re|engage curriculum together. Closed Groups are formed and launched on specific dates throughout the course of the year and will always be announced and communicated through our large group time.