Welcome to the High School Ministry at Sunrise Community Church. We are a group of students and leaders who love Jesus, want to be more like Him, and really enjoy spending time together. We really like to think of ourselves as a big family.
We meet on Sundays mornings from 9-10:15 in the Youth Center (E Building) to worship God through music and to grow together through hearing practical teaching from His Word. Wednesday nights are from 6:30-8 and are all about connection. Wednesday is a great time to connect with friends, play some fun games and hear how God’s working in each others’ lives. We also have small groups to be able to connect and grow through studying the Bible together and praying with and for each other.
Big events throughout the year include the annual Mexicali Mission Trip, Hume Lake Summer Camp, and many other opportunities to serve both individually and as a group. We’d love to have you stop in and be a part of our family.